About Frischpack

Whetting your appetite for cheese - these five words perfectly sum up Frischpack’s self-perception. Whether for cheese dairies, wholesale traders/wholesale customers, industrial customers/restaurant chains or food retailers, including discounters – this independent, mid-tier corporate group processes up to 60,000 tonnes of every possible variety of cheese each year, and this with great passion and well-founded expertise. The use of high-quality technology is just as much a matter of course as the decision to work using sustainable methods. As a result, Frischpack invested in a certified energy and environmental management system, as well as a management system for work and health protection. The range of services on offer starts with the purchasing of the raw produce and ultimately ends with the distribution of the ready-packed cheese. The Frischpack Group also compiles quotations which are specifically geared towards the customer's needs. The highest priority is given to quality, reliability and flexibility. The 600 employees live and work according to this principle, day after day. Together with its subsidiary, Baackes & Heimes, Frischpack impresses customers both in Germany and in many locations throughout Europe. The vision of the cheese appetite experts is to establish themselves as Europe’s most relevant cheese processing company.

Facts about Frischpack
  • Founding: 1972
  • Focus : Service
  • Industry : Food

Here you will find Frischpack GmbH