IfBB - Institut für Biokunststoffe und Bioverbundwerkstoffe

Institut für Biokunststoffe und Bioverbundwerkstoffe
About IfBB - Institut für Biokunststoffe und Bioverbundwerkstoffe
The IfBB – Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites was established in 2011 with the support of the Hochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, as an autonomous institute within the university, following several years of increasing research activities. It is affiliated with Faculty II, Mechanical and Bioprocess Engineering, of the Hochschule Hannover.
The purpose of the IfBB is to respond to the growing demand for complex information related to the field of bioplastics and biocomposites, a demand which had been anticipated in view of the rising number of research activities, issues and projects even long before its official start.
From the onset, the IfBB has been increasingly involved in industry projects and by now is widely acknowledged as an expert institution and resource center for bioplastics on a national as well as international level. While this development has a positive impact on the market position of bioplastics, the particular practice-oriented approach of the IfBB is also an asset in engineering education. This means that the IfBB is not only concerned to engage in science and research, but also to provide professional training to students and to enhance their education.
- Focus : Service
- Industry : Other