About naschlabor

Our naschlabor was founded in 2013 by Laura, Denis and Hendrik. We started very small in Denis parents' cellar, with the dream of making our products known all over Germany and enchanting people with our sweet little things. We quickly realized that the growth that we had set ourselves could no longer be realized in the Dreier team and so we were looking for suitable new partners. In 2015 Jakob and Can joined the team. On the one hand, they provided completely new impulses for thinking and, on the other hand, a great deal of work, so that in 2015 we additionally opened the naschcafé, which opened up the option of additional storage and office space for us.

Facts about naschlabor
  • Founding: 2013
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Product portfolio of naschlabor

Here you will find naschlabor GmbH