About Share Foods

Hello, we are share! In a world where millions of times are shared every day, we have made it our mission to give a new platform to the idea of Sharing.

We are Good-Vibes missionaries who make quality products that help the world to be good. With every purchased share product you help another person in need with an equivalent product at the same time. Together we can change the world positively through everyday consumption. Simply by choosing on the shelf.

Where exactly you help with your purchase of a share product, you can always follow here with us. Each of our products is provided with an individual tracking code: Simply enter the code here and see where your help goes.

Social consumption Too many people are still suffering from hunger and lack of access to drinking water and hygiene. We want to change this with our daily consumption. Consumption arises when a personal need is to be satisfied, and in the first place it is only about oneself. So can consumption be social at all? Definitely!

Social consumption is a new kind of consumption: You satisfy not only your own need, but also that of another person, without having less for yourself. With your purchase we distribute an equivalent product to a needy person. At share we call this the 1-for-1 principle.

We at share believe that we can revolutionize consumption as we know it without having to start a revolution. We want to make the world a little better with products that are 100% good and do 100% good. Sharing is at the heart of this vision. We have made it a brand.

Facts about Share Foods
  • Founding: 2014
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Product portfolio of Share Foods

Here you will find Share Foods GmbH