Algenheld UG (haftungsbeschränkt)


Algenheld UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Everything in the green

About Algenheld UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

I have loved sports since my earliest childhood. At school, only the days with SPORT in the calendar were popular. At the age of 13 I started to do strength training at home. Starting with individual push-ups and the first 10 kg dumbbell, I quickly increased this to an hour of daily training. I kept this up until my Abitur in 2008 and extended it to two hours a day and more for the Bundeswehr. With such an intensive load one inevitably asks oneself about natural means of increasing performance. Therefore I optimized my nutrition and banished almost everything unhealthy from my diet.

Also during the study of business administration in Zittau, which I successfully completed after 4 years as a Diplom-Kaufmann (FH), sport was an integral part of my daily routine. During the master course `Projektmanagement´ at the TU Dresden I started breeding dwarf shrimps. Since the shrimps are very sensitive, one would like to give only the best food to these little animals. On the back of the package was written "spirulina platensis" in the ingredients.

I entered the word at Google and found out that this is a real superfood. However, neither I nor my training colleagues had ever heard of the algae. So I decided to try it out on myself first. After about 4 weeks of taking the algae I felt much more alive and powerful. Since my girlfriend had an iron deficiency but did not accept the taste of the algae spirulina, I decided to combine it with chocolate.

At first, chocolate has a negative connotation and I am often asked: "Isn't that unhealthy? This prejudice only exists because large manufacturers add vast amounts of refined sugar to the so-called "chocolate". Sugar is the cheapest component of chocolate and helps to reduce costs. I process only the best organic ingredients in my chocolate and produce them regionally by hand.

The original inhabitants of America regarded the cocoa bean as a remedy for various diseases and ailments. In order to optimize the taste as well as the nutrients, I add puffed amaranth and acerola fruit powder to my innovative vegan algae chocolate. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron. Statistically, every third German woman suffers from iron deficiency. The puffed amaranth strengthens the saturation effect of the algae chocolate with protein and fibre.

I have decided to use only organic raw materials of which I myself am convinced. Only with a clear conscience I can and would like to sell my products. Finally I would like to help you to make your nutrition more conscious.

Facts about Algenheld UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Here you will find Algenheld UG (haftungsbeschränkt)