About Die Frischemanufaktur

The history of the Flour Rebels

The year 2001 was a fateful year for the whole world. Also for me. After diagnoses like "you're just imagining all this" or "are you taking drugs?" I finally learned at the age of 19 that I had celiac disease. At that time doctors still gave unsuspecting advice like this: "Eat rye rather than wheat".

Two days after 9/11 I emigrated to Dubai. Nobody flew in my direction. I didn't have the slightest idea what I wanted to do in my dreamland.

No sign in the sky that one day the threads would come together in my gluten-free gourmet bakery.

When you have a path in front of you, many things don't really seem to make sense. When you look back, you realize that not a moment was wasted. Steve Jobs called this "connecting the dots. He also said that the worst thing that ever happened to him eventually turned out to be the best.

Facts about Die Frischemanufaktur
  • Founding: 2016
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Product portfolio of Die Frischemanufaktur

Here you will find FLOUR REBELS GmbH