Hanfgedöns GmbH
Hempy Foodstuff made im Eichsfeld.
About Hanfgedöns
As harvest workers on a hemp field in Hesse, we were kissed by the hemp muse. With a bright blue sky and hot temperature, we came up with the ideas for a hempy drink that doesn't need artificial flavors or lots of sugar and still doesn't lose its real hemp taste. On the problem of eliminating the grassy & bitter taste we worked for the perfect recipe. After a year of exploding kettles, boiling over syrup and gummed up kitchens, we managed to extract the bitterness in a 20 stage process from harvest to bottle. With a lot of patience and manual labor, our HollaWeed was born.
We establish a regional manufacturing and processing company in the heart of Germany at Burg Gleichenstein. A regional brand "Eichsfelder Nutzhanf-Produkte" should create regional jobs and preserve them in the long term. The linkage of the agricultural enterprise with the cultivation up to the selling by us, is something completely special and creates for the customer a transparency hardly to be surpassed - completely without world trade, middlemen and obscure trade ways...
We do not want to make big secrets around our production and processing, we want to make the production as transparent as possible and we want to produce and distribute other hemp products through regional partners. All our production sites, from the field to the bottling or the coffee roasting plant are therefore openly designed and can be visited.
For us, Gleichenstein Castle is both a production site and a project close to our hearts. This place of historical Eichsfeld craftsmanship enjoys our full attention in terms of renovation and maintenance of a piece of Eichsfeld history. With the help of sponsors & helpers and the financial affirmation through the sale of our products, we are turning this historic castle into a publicly accessible monument for interested visitors. Starting from fairs Likewise a small coffee is to develop locally, which makes a benefit possible of our products directly locally. Here is to be mentioned particularly a hemp-blossom tea, which will give it then exclusively with us in the Ausschank, since the trade with the unprocessed hemp-blossoms is not permitted in Germany.
Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of company presentation. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.
- Founding: 2018
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Beverages