The idea for INNGREEN was born in spring 2014. My son was two years old and I wanted to lose a few kilos. Until a few years ago I had never had to worry about my weight. I always had enough time to do sports and I loved it. Sport was not only my hobby, but I also made it my profession by studying sports science. With the birth of my son, a lot changed. Short nights and little time for myself. Again and again invitations to coffee and cake and soon I didn't feel well anymore.

To lose a few kilos can't be that difficult. At least that's what I thought? But there was always something in between. Birthday, invitation, illness, bad weather, thousands of excuses and the kilos simply didn't go away.

Also I didn't have enough time to do sports anymore. What to do?

A diet that also works without sport, where I can lose weight quickly and healthily and which I can also optimally connect with my family.

After night-long research, tests and conversations with friends, the most important finding was clear: a diet must be simple and effective. No complicated recipes or shopping lists, no tasteless shakes or dishes. The idea for INNGREEN was born.


Together with nutritionists, doctors and food experts we worked for months on the concept of INNGREEN. The goal before our eyes: A bar that contains everything your body needs. Because a bar can be taken anywhere, tastes good and you have something to chew, because solid foods saturate better than liquid ones. A very important argument when losing weight!


After more than a year of development, we started the large INNGREEN study in summer 2015. Over 150 study participants provided us with thousands of valuable data. The feedback flowed into the further development and now we are very proud to launch the new INNGREEN bar in March 2017 after more than 3 years of development!

Facts about INNGREEN
  • Founding: 2017
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Employees: 1-10
  • Industry : Food

Product portfolio of INNGREEN

Here you will find INNGREEN GMBH