About LikeMeat

LikeMeat is a German company with headquarters in Düsseldorf. With the support of his family business from the meat processing industry Timo Recker was able to found LikeMeat in 2013. Already during his studies in England in 2010, he was seized by the idea of producing the most popular meat products, but for which no animal meat is needed. "However, I didn't want to develop meat substitutes, but rather contemporary products for an enjoyable, modern and balanced diet", explains the 32-year-old the philosophy of LikeMeat. Together with his team, he has developed a production process that also clears the last hurdle and gives the vegetable meat what is most important: A firm and juicy structure.

This LikeMeat process is unique on the market and assures the LikeMeat brand its special quality. In 2016, the heristo Group joined forces with LikeMeat to provide the young company with the necessary drive and foundation to develop the LikeMeat brand. to become the most successful brand for meat alternatives.

Facts about LikeMeat
  • Founding: 2013
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Here you will find LikeMeat GmbH