BC Aplicaciones Analíticas S.L.
About BC Aplicaciones Analíticas
Pioneers in the application of ATP-bioluminescence techniques for quality control of finished products in the food industry.
BC began its activity in the early 90s, being a pioneer in the application of bioluminescence techniques for quality control of finished products in important companies of the food sector, with special focus in the dairy sector.
During the last 25+ years we have developed our own products, especially with regards to the development of the Sensilux® range of ATP-kits, and the sampling automation area in order to offer our customers complete solutions tailored to their needs.
A department of programming and computer systems for the design and support of new applications has developed specific tailor-made solutions for our clients, including our proprietary softwares for controlling robot operation and luminometer functions.
We plan to continue with the development of proprietary technology products such as automatic robotic sampling equipment, and to lead the ATP-Bioluminescence market with our own current products under the brand Sensilux®, as well as new applications and technological innovations.
The objective of BC is to provide each client with high quality products, reliable personalized attention and optimal technical support.
Our services include:
• Customer support with short turnaround time.
• Development of new applications and methodologies.
• Specific training at the customer's facilities.
• Design and integration of equipment and tailor-made automatic sampling robots.
• Verification of specifications of all installed instruments and equipment.
• Technical Support (Including both preventive and corrective maintenance).
The Technical Support Service of BC, formed by highly qualified professionals under permanent training, aims to provide a very quick coverage to any incidence related with our instruments and equipment.
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Process analytics / process measurement technology