About Hans Ranke

Hans Ranke puts pulses back on the plate!

Why? Quite simply! Hans Ranke has the vision of making healthy nutrition possible for everyone in a sustainably simple way. To achieve this, we rely on the natural and vegetable power of pulses. In order to make the best possible use of this - without wasting a lot of time and energy in preparation - Torsten, the founder of Hans Ranke, came up with the brilliant idea. A balanced meal that offers everything the body needs and is faster than any salad preparation was the solution. Countless hours and self-experimentation in the experimental kitchen at home followed and the first superfood ready-made meal from pulses was born - simple, delicious and prepared in 3 minutes.

Facts about Hans Ranke
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Product portfolio of Hans Ranke

Here you will find Hans Ranke GmbH