About UmaMeats

Our ideal world is one where happy, healthy people lead a CO2 neutral life. By helping consumers to adjust their diet, we believe that with UmaMeats we can have a positive impact.

We want to make popular products healthier. With our burger, consumers no longer have to make a trade-off between tasty and healthy, because we make smart use of the right ingredients, such as seaweed. Seaweed lowers the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

In addition, seaweed is a sustainable alternative to meat. The cultivation at sea relieves pressure on land and captures carbon from the atmosphere.

We make healthy and sustainable food accessible to the masses. You notice this in everything we do. Our mission is clear, our style, irresistible. From the generous taste of our citizens to our innovative way of working together, we cut across all barriers.

We know the culinary sector from oats to barley, are deeply rooted in the academic world and know both large and small business Netherlands.

Facts about UmaMeats
  • Founding: 2019
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Product portfolio of UmaMeats

Here you will find UmaMeats