About Best Bake Technology Centre

Best Bake is a by application technology driven company, developing, producing and supplying innovative micro ingredients for the industrial bakeries. Best Bake consists of two companies. The Best Bake Technology Centre mainly concentrate on research and development. The production and the logistics in handled by Best Bake international which is FSSC 22000, RSPO and kosher certified (Orthodox Union). For the North American market we have established Best Bake LLC North America . Best Bake LLC gives directly technical supports to the industrial bakeries and will supply concentrated Best Bake performance blocks to these bakeries.

Best Bake International established in 2008 is internationally active with innovative micro ingredients which are applied in the baking industry.
The expertise of Best Bake is based upon more than 25 years of experience in the field of enzyme technology and the application of those enzymes for and in the bakery industry. Our people are educated and trained in various disciplines. With these various expertises, Best Bake is capable to develop and optimize specific enzyme Performance blocks for use in the bakery industry. We put a lot of time and effort in research and development to come to special performance blocks, all fine-tuned for its final application. Some blocks are unique for kneading tolerance, stability and softness.

Many years are spent in building the micro-ingredients knowledge bank which continue to expand year after year. Specially the application of these specific enzymes. Enzyme manufactures creating enzymes for all applications and not just for the bakery. Their main interest is to improve yield. Enzyme manufactures are not specialised to discover synergy between different enzymes for certain applications. And bakery raw material manufactures are more focused on the development of new bread products in the form of ready mixes. Best Bake however differentiates itself and is specialised in applying the gained knowledge in finding the right enzymes and combining the discovered synergy between those enzymes or other raw materials. In some cases it is required to encapsulate certain enzymes for the development technology . Best Bake has developed an unique system for this encapsulating. Therefore, if required, Best Bake can produce so called Encaps.

Facts about Best Bake Technology Centre
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

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