Mind the byte, S.L.
About Mind the byte
Mind the Byte is a bioinformatics company specializing in computational drug discovery using Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies.
Helping companies shorten time to market and reducing the costs of drug development since 2011. With our Software as a Service (SaaS) platform we ease the access to computational chemistry tools for drug discovery and thanks to our consultancy services we can offer tailor-made premium solutions.
Mind the Byte makes in silico drug discovery easily accessible, scalable, and affordable to accelerate the development of new drugs. This is achived through the offering of our unique platform and consultancy services. We work with over 50 biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies as well as research centres and universities around the world.
With our SaaS platform, which we expand regularly, we offer a versatile set of programs and applications; thus supporting an efficient drug discovery and development process. The platform requires no investment in hardware, licenses or training, and we retain no IP rights. You only pay for what you use and you can modify your degree of commitment at any time to match your workload. If your needs are very specific, we can assist you with our professional consulting services.
Located in Barcelona, Copenhagen and Toronto, we are Amazon Web Services technology partners (a seal of quality that has only been awarded to few companies in this sector). In 2017 we received the Seal of Excellence from the European Commission and the CIR (Crédit d’Impôt Recherche) accreditation from the French Government.
- Founding: 2011
- Focus : Service
- Industry : Beverages
Here you will find Mind the byte, S.L.
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