About Giorgio Bormac

Giorgio Bormac was born in 1995 in Carpi, in the heart of the Province of Modena, with the aim of selecting and sell in national scientific instrumentation of excellent quality, through a network of national and regional distributors.

Facts about Giorgio Bormac
  • Founding: 1995
  • Focus : Distributor
  • Industry : analytics, Lab Technology

Product portfolio of Giorgio Bormac

Product portfolio

vortex shakers

Here you will find Giorgio Bormac s.r.l

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Topic world Mixing technology

Mixing technology occupies a central position in the food and beverage industry and ensures the homogeneity, quality and flavor consistency of products. It ensures that ingredients are combined in exactly the right quantities and ratios to create the perfect end product. From the simple blending of powders and liquids to the integration of emulsions, flavors or vitamins - modern mixers are designed for precision and efficiency.

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Topic world Mixing technology

Topic world Mixing technology

Mixing technology occupies a central position in the food and beverage industry and ensures the homogeneity, quality and flavor consistency of products. It ensures that ingredients are combined in exactly the right quantities and ratios to create the perfect end product. From the simple blending of powders and liquids to the integration of emulsions, flavors or vitamins - modern mixers are designed for precision and efficiency.

Topic world Weighing

Precise weighing is critical in laboratory and industrial environments. From accurate dosing of chemicals for research experiments to mass production of products, precise weight determination is often the first and most critical step. Modern balances and weighing instruments are sophisticated, offer impressive precision and are resilient to external influences such as temperature and humidity.

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Topic world Weighing

Topic world Weighing

Precise weighing is critical in laboratory and industrial environments. From accurate dosing of chemicals for research experiments to mass production of products, precise weight determination is often the first and most critical step. Modern balances and weighing instruments are sophisticated, offer impressive precision and are resilient to external influences such as temperature and humidity.

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