About Yacomo

The idea for YACOMO was born in 2018 when Adrienne started studying to become a nutritionist alongside her job as an advertising copywriter. During this time, she intensively studied the effect of fiber and the topic of sugar. Since well-known natural sugar alternatives such as coconut blossom sugar, honey or maple syrup consist primarily of simple sugars (glucose and fructose) that are quickly absorbed, Adrienne set out to find alternatives. In the process, she came across yacon syrup. A natural product with a sweetening effect that is still quite unknown in Germany. The non-cleavable fructooligosaccharide chains (FOS for short) it contains give yacon syrup a high fiber content and a low glycemic index. A real gamechanger in terms of natural sweetness. Adrienne was thrilled and undertook numerous kitchen experiments. When Yacon turned out to be a delicious all-rounder, the case was clear: more people should definitely be allowed to get to know and enjoy this natural sweetness. This was the birth of YACOMO. Together with her partners Philipp and Jan Simon, Adrienne founded a start up in 2020 to make the idea come true. Adrienne is also a food blogger (www.ohmygut.de), nutritionist and author of the nutrition guide and cookbook: "OH MY GUT, IST DAS LECKER!", which revolves around the topic of intestinal health and the path to the desired weight with the help of a healthy gut!

Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of company presentation. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.

Facts about Yacomo
  • Founding: 2018
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Food

Product portfolio of Yacomo

Product portfolio

Here you will find Yacomo