About Labdex

LabDex Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of Lab Equipment and Analytical Instruments for Life science, Research, Medical and Industrial laboratories across the globe.

Our comprehensive range of products includes Autoclaves, Analyzers, Colony Counter, Cabinets, Flame Photometer, Fume Hood, Homogenizers, Hybridization Ovens, Laboratory Centrifuges, Laboratory Incubators, Labware, Laboratory Shakers & 3-D Rockers, Laboratory Furnaces, Laboratory Balances, Laboratory Ovens, Magnetic Stirrer & Hot Plates, Mixers & Vortexer, Microscopes, Microplate Readers & Washers, Online Controller, pH Meters, Stomacher Blender, Sample Concentrators, Sieve-Shakers, Spectrophotometers, Spectrometer, Test Chambers, Thermal Cycler, Test Pens, Ultrasonic Cleaners, Water & Oil Bath, etc. For the variety of applications.

We provide premium quality Laboratory products and after sales support to our valued customers. We follow strict guidelines and accordance in manufacturing, process, and distribution to assure that only the quality grade product is delivered at the end. We are ISO 9001:2015 Certified company and excel in delivering consistent authenticated quality products that comply with International Standards such as ISO 13485, along with CE and GMP certifications.

Facts about Labdex
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Lab Technology

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Precise weighing is critical in laboratory and industrial environments. From accurate dosing of chemicals for research experiments to mass production of products, precise weight determination is often the first and most critical step. Modern balances and weighing instruments are sophisticated, offer impressive precision and are resilient to external influences such as temperature and humidity.

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Topic world Weighing

Topic world Weighing

Precise weighing is critical in laboratory and industrial environments. From accurate dosing of chemicals for research experiments to mass production of products, precise weight determination is often the first and most critical step. Modern balances and weighing instruments are sophisticated, offer impressive precision and are resilient to external influences such as temperature and humidity.

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