Artificial intelligence - 11 News from the business & finance department from Germany

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Artificial intelligence - 11 News from the business & finance department from Germany

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Artificial intelligence (AI) for food and beverages

Artificial intelligence (AI) is optimizing the food and beverage industry through automated quality control and more accurate demand forecasting. AI plays a particularly important role in product development by analyzing taste preferences and market trends. This allows new products to be developed that are better tailored to consumer needs, increasing efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) for food and beverages

Artificial intelligence (AI) for food and beverages

Artificial intelligence (AI) is optimizing the food and beverage industry through automated quality control and more accurate demand forecasting. AI plays a particularly important role in product development by analyzing taste preferences and market trends. This allows new products to be developed that are better tailored to consumer needs, increasing efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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