Extraction thimbles:

Whatman™ cellulose extraction thimbles

Whatman cellulose extraction thimbles

Cytiva Europe GmbH

Extraction thimbles in Soxhlet extraction apparatus

Food samples can be prepared for lipid analysis using Soxhlet extraction. Extraction thimbles are widely used for Soxhlet techniques. After extraction samples can be re-filtered with a 0.45 μm filter to remove small particles to protect your analytical instrument. Standard extraction thimbles have a wall thickness of 1–1.5 mm. Double-thickness thimbles have a wall thickness of approximately 2 mm for applications that require higher retention, increased wet or dry strength, or increased rigidity. Measurements can be matched to specific Soxhlet extractor systems. Available in various sizes.

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Extraction thimbles in Soxhlet extraction apparatus

Extraction thimbles: Whatman™ cellulose extraction thimbles

Whatman cellulose extraction thimbles

Product classification Whatman™ cellulose extraction thimbles

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