Elektronische Nase HERACLES Neo
Electronic nose for objective aroma profiles of foods and beverages
Electronic sensor technology is the translation of human sensory impressions into physical data in order to be able to test selected product characteristics and create entire aroma profiles. These form the basis for detailed analyses, but also enable fast and precise comparisons and checks.
Even the finest differences that are barely perceptible to humans are identified - and even potentially harmful substances can be safely examined. The electronic nose HERACLES Neo is based on the fast flash gas chromatography. In only 10 minutes per sample, the system creates complete and reliable odour profiles and analyses.
With the AroChemBase, a database linked to the software, around 142,000 components with over 2,700 sensory attributes can be identified directly from the chromatogram. The ASTREE electronic tongue and the IRIS electronic eye expand the analysis possibilities to include colour, shape and taste analysis.
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Electronic noses: Elektronische Nase HERACLES Neo
Electronic nose for objective aroma profiles of foods and beverages