
Texture Analyser

Fast and precise texture analysis in the food industry

WINOPAL Forschungsbedarf GmbH

The Texture Analyser from Stable Micro Systems - univers ...

The Texture Analyser is a bench-top sized analyser for testing consistency, firmness and virtually any other texture property of food, packaging and products of all kinds: crisp, tender, firm to the bite, airy, creamy, crunchy - all can be measured.

With over 300 tools and test fixtures, the device can be adapted to the samples to be examined in just a few steps and is just as well suited for quality controls as it is for exploratory examinations. The software offers a variety of standard measuring programs for compression and tensile testing as well as complex functions for texture and material testing, e.g. texture profile analysis (TPA). It is also possible to program your own macros and test sequences.

The instrument can be used practically anywhere. Measurement data can be read out directly and transferred to any workstation. Complementary accessories such as temperature chambers and camera systems make the Texture Analyser one of the most flexible and efficient material testing machines for the industry.

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The Texture Analyser from Stable Micro Systems - universal testing instrument for texture analysis in the food industry

Penetrometers: Texture Analyser

Fast and precise texture analysis in the food industry

WINOPAL Forschungsbedarf GmbH
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Topic World Food Analytics

Food analysis methods enable us to investigate the quality, safety and composition of our food. Whether in the traceability of food, the detection of contaminants or the verification of nutritional information - food analytics plays a crucial role in our health and nutrition. Welcome to the exciting world of food analytics!

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Topic World Food Analytics

Topic World Food Analytics

Food analysis methods enable us to investigate the quality, safety and composition of our food. Whether in the traceability of food, the detection of contaminants or the verification of nutritional information - food analytics plays a crucial role in our health and nutrition. Welcome to the exciting world of food analytics!

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