Food Safety Utilising Pure Compressed Air


Compressed air – An underestimated coefficient for safe food

A tour around companies in the food and beverage industry clearly indicates the extensive use of compressed air and therefore its importance for the manufacturing process.

Compressed air is used, among other things, as a transport medium for powdery substances or for the evaporation of liquids and frequently comes into direct contact with the food. Increased care and attention is thereby imperative.

Contamination in the compressed air caused by micro-organisms, mineral oils, oils or particles can contaminate the end product and cause enormous decreases in quality levels.
Continuous compressed air treatment and processing reduces this risk and is an important factor for a qualitative high-grade product - to protect the consumer.

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Food Safety Utilising Pure Compressed Air

Compressed air – An underestimated coefficient for safe food

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Topic world Food safety

Food safety is at the heart of the food and beverage industry. It ensures that the food we eat every day is not only nutritious, but also free of harmful contaminants. From field to plate, the industry monitors and regulates every step of the process with strict quality controls, advanced testing methods and continuous research.

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