Sustainability in the food and beverage industry: From raw material to the packaging


Facts about sustainability in the food and beverage industry

How can sustainability be implemented in the whole value chain process?

In addition to clean label and the great health boom, the trend for more sustainability in the food and beverage industry has been established for several years now. In the meantime, taking sustainability aspects into account has no longer just become a trend, but a mainstream demand.

In this guide you will find data and facts on sustainability in the food and beverage market, learn how sustainability can be measured, what sustainability means in the cultivation of raw materials up to which type of packaging is the best choice.

Consumers ask for products that can be bought with a clear conscience - and that companies do business sustainably guaranteed throughout the production and whole value chain. If you take this development into account, you will make your products more sustainable - and therefore more successful.

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Facts about sustainability in the food and beverage industry

Sustainability in the food and beverage industry: From raw material to the packaging

How can sustainability be implemented in the whole value chain process?