Returnable bottles “as new” after 50 cycles thanks to Arkema’s solutions
To address this major concern for bottlers and help them extend the lifetime of their fleet of returnable bottles without loss of their original flawless appearance, Arkema offers two solutions:
1. Kercoat® to delay the onset of scuffing,
2. Opticoat® to mask it.
Kercoat® to delay the onset of scuffing
Applying the Kercoat® protection solutionon bottle filling lines helps delay the onset of scuffing and white marks, while preserving the bottles’ burst pressure resistance. Trials have shown that after 20 cycles, bottles treated with Kercoat® exhibit virtually no white marks, thereby helping significantly extend their service life.
Thanks to its properties, the Kercoat® technology affords savings of some 20% over a year in the cost of purchasing and maintaining fleets of returnable glass bottles. This unique solution in the market includes the protection product, the installation of a spray system, and technical support.
Opticoat® to mask scuffing
For scuffed bottles, Arkema provides a masking coating technology called Opticoat® that helps considerably extend the service life of returnable bottles. This coating forms a thin masking layer that restores glass appearance and feel. Opticoat® can be applied on dry, wet, warm or cold bottles: it is resistant to humidity and is environmentally sound.
Collaboration with Carlsberg to extend the service life of their bottles
Arkema has been collaborating with brewer Carlsberg since January 2014 to optimize the environmental impact of their returnable bottles, while also initiating the evaluation of its Kercoat® et Opticoat® products by other leading suppliers in the packaging industry based on the Cradle to Cradle® protocol used by the EPEA environmental body. As part of this approach, Arkema is playing an active part in the Carlsberg Circular Community whose aim is to improve all packaging materials used by the Carlsberg group.
Arkema educates the market about its glass treatment solutions: the Glass Coating Academy
Arkema is setting up a Glass Coating Academy: information/training modules in the form of Webinars will be provided on a regular basis on the Kercoat® and Opticoat® solutions. For registration, please email or visit the Arkema stand at Brau 2014 in Nüremberg (Hall 4 – Stand 303).
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