EatHappy To Go Österreich GmbH
About EatHappy To Go Österreich
EAT HAPPY is a shop-in-shop concept for fresh sushi and Asian snacks from the supermarket. Under the motto "Freshly made smiles", EAT HAPPY focuses on uncompromising freshness, authenticity of recipes and expert preparation for all ingredients and dishes. Founded in Germany in 2013, EAT HAPPY is now represented in many European countries with its range of products, and since 2015 the fresh sushi & co. have also been available in Austria.
Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of company presentation. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.
- Founding: 2015
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Food