McDonald's All-Day Breakfast Starts Today

12-Oct-2015 - USA

McDonald's breakfast lovers can now rejoice as the fast-food giant said it will begin serving all-day breakfast across the U.S. on October 6.

The move follows months of testing the idea at various locations. In March, McDonald's began to add food-preparation space to restaurants in San Diego, and later in Nashville, to accommodate all-day breakfast. The tests were found to be encouraging.

The company's franchisees have voted to approve the plan and it is being implemented nationwide. McDonald's aims to reinvigorate sluggish sales by fulfilling a longstanding customer request that they wanted an Egg McMuffin breakfast, no matter what time of the day.

According to the company, more than 120,000 people have tweeted, asking for breakfast throughout the day in the past year alone. Depending on the local market, All Day Breakfast will have a limited menu that focuses on either McMuffin or Biscuit items.

Chief Executive Officer Steve Easterbrook, who took over in March, has been trying to pull McDonald's out of its worst sales slump in more than a decade. Selling McDonald's signature Egg McMuffin sandwich all day could increase sales by as much as 2.5 percent a year.

McDonald's used to typically stop serving breakfast menu at 10:30 a.m. on weekdays and 11:00 am on weekends, as its grills are supposedly not big enough to cook both breakfast and lunch items at once. (dpa-AFX)

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