Rapid Nutrition continues to secure more orders domestically and internationally

22-Aug-2016 - Australia

Rapid nutrition has expanded its U.S. sales team to cover 50 states, resulting in new distribution opportunities and presence in new markets. Furthermore, the company's partnership in  China through InterGest China and Shanghai LSLI Company, a leading member of Lansheng Group, has resulted in a  first  $100,000 order with more orders expected. Likewise, Rapid Nutrition's full rollout into Woolworths Australia, the nation's supermarket giant, was a tremendous success with $600,000 worth of SystemLS products hitting 576 store shelves this week. The recent China success has also attracted Woolworth's China Global Tmall site to stock the brand and offer it to the growing China consumer market. 

Last month, Rapid Nutrition also reported that it had engaged NFinance to support due diligence and the application process  for a new listing on a Pan-European stock exchange. 

"While Rapid Nutrition is eager to have our securities  relisted as soon as possible, we continue to be encouraged by the positive developments of the listing process and anticipate to update shareholders very shortly. In the meantime, we remain pleased at the broad global commercial progress management has made to extend our U.S. team, to distribute our products in more countries and to continue notable growth in established locations," said Rapid Nutrition Managing Director Simon St. Ledger. "We are looking forward to a strong 12 months ahead." 

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