Walmart Makes Twin Towers 9/11 Tribute Out Of Coke Cans

08-Sep-2016 - USA

Walmart was heavily criticized after the retail giant stacked up packages of soda cans to look like the World Trade Center at a Florida store.

The retail giant meant it to be a tribute to 9/11 victims ahead of the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attack, however, it backfired and was mocked and criticized by everyone.
The World Trade Center towers were recreated using Coke Zero packages. A backdrop of the American flag was made with red regular Coke, silver Diet Coke and blue Sprite.

A printed sign above the display read "We will never forget" with a photo of the twin towers and the logos for Walmart and Coca-Cola in a corner.

Walmart, in a statement, said the display was removed. "We hold this moment in our country's history in the highest regard, and there was nothing disrespectful intended by the display," it said. (dpa)

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