Russia revises ban on imports of Egyptian plant products

28-Sep-2016 - Russian Federation

Russia's food safety watchdog has revised its ban on imports of fruit and vegetables from Egypt after the lifting of Egyptian wheat import restrictions that have hurt Russia.

Rosselkhoznadzor allowed imports of Egyptian plant products except potatoes following negotiations in Moscow with its Egyptian counterparts. Monday's decision reverses a blanket ban on all Egyptian plant products introduced just four days ago.

Russia introduced the ban after Egypt, the world's largest wheat importer, changed its import regulations to ban any ergot fungus in imported wheat, a decision that enraged sellers worldwide and threatened supplies.

Last week, the Egyptian Cabinet reinstated previous rules allowing imported wheat to contain up to 0.05 percent of ergot, a common fungus that is harmless in such amounts, in line with global standards.(dpa)

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Food safety is at the heart of the food and beverage industry. It ensures that the food we eat every day is not only nutritious, but also free of harmful contaminants. From field to plate, the industry monitors and regulates every step of the process with strict quality controls, advanced testing methods and continuous research.

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