Sesotec Service Acceptance with new Address

All service sectors combined at one place

20-Jul-2017 - Germany

Sesotec GmbH, a manufacturer of machines and systems for contaminant detection and material sorting for the food, plastics, and recycling industries, is growing in all segments, which correspondingly need more room. Early in July 2017 service acceptance at the company headquarters in Schönberg therefore was relocated from Regener Straße 130 to Industriestraße 5. The new location lies close to the company headquarters and combines repairs department, spare parts storage, training rooms, technical support, and – now new – service acceptance. The Sesotec Service Center is well prepared for future growth.

Sesotec GmbH

Sesotec Service Center in Schönberg, Industriestraße 5, only 280 metres linear distance away from Sesotec's headquarters (Regener Straße 130).

Sesotec GmbH

All over the world Sesotec is close to its customers with subsidiaries, service locations, test centres, production sites, and sales partners.

Sesotec GmbH
Sesotec GmbH

All over the world Sesotec has twelve service locations in total. The spare parts storages are logistically optimally supplied from Schönberg. With its global service network Sesotec is able to ensure support for its customers all over the world within a very short time.

Markus Grimm, Head of Service at Sesotec, is pleased that all the service sectors are now combined at one place: "It is a particular advantage for our customers that with the newly created service center with spare parts storage we are now able to deliver faster and react more flexibly to inquiries from our global customers and locations."

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