Millions of eggs recalled in the Netherlands due to insecticide

03-Aug-2017 - Germany

Millions of eggs are being recalled in the Netherlands after being contaminated by a pesticide that could have adverse effects on consumers' health, Dutch authorities said on Tuesday.


The eggs contain high levels of the insecticide fipronil, which at heightened levels can cause damage to the liver, thyroid and kidneys, a spokeswoman from the Dutch food safety agency told dpa. 

Eggs with X-NL-4015XX stamped on them are deemed contaminated. The insecticide was found in other eggs as well, though in low levels.

The insecticide was discovered in eggs from seven poultry operations over the past few weeks.

One company had used fipronil to control lice in their coops.

Prosecutors are looking into how the eggs became contaminated, and all 180 of a pest control operator's customers are under inspection.

So far the pesticide has been found in 30 poultry operations in total.

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Topic world Food safety

Food safety is at the heart of the food and beverage industry. It ensures that the food we eat every day is not only nutritious, but also free of harmful contaminants. From field to plate, the industry monitors and regulates every step of the process with strict quality controls, advanced testing methods and continuous research.

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