Gert Purkert to step down from the Supervisory Board in May 2018

04-Dec-2017 - Germany

Gert Purkert, Chairman of the supervisory board of Berentzen-Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft, listed on the regulated market (General Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISIN: DE0005201602), today announced that he would step down as a member of the Supervisory Board with effect from the end of the next annual general meeting of the company on May 3, 2018. Purkert is a member of the Supervisory Board representing shareholders of Berentzen-Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft and is a member of the Executive Board of the former majority shareholder AURELIUS.

“I am pleased to have had the opportunity to accompany the Berentzen Group on its successful path in recent years. I have absolute confidence that it will continue to develop positively”, said Purkert. He has headed up the Supervisory Board since 2008, after AURELIUS had acquired the majority of the voting rights in Berentzen-Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft. Over the course of 2016, AURELIUS gradually sold its shares. The Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Frank Schübel, thanked Purkert on behalf of the entire Supervisory Board: “In his role, Gert Purkert maintained close links to strategic realignment of the Berentzen Group and always consistently represented the interests of all shareholders.”

The Executive Board of the Berentzen Group also praised the close cooperation characterised by trust. “In the ten years I have now worked together with Gert Purkert in my capacity as a member of the Executive Board, I have held his competent and focused personality in high esteem”, said Ralf Brühöfner. Brühöfner’s fellow Executive Board member, Oliver Schwegmann, added: “The Berentzen Group is deeply grateful to Gert Purkert for his successful work.”

Based on a corresponding recommendation by its nomination committee, the Supervisory Board of Berentzen-Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft will submit a proposal of a candidate to fill the vacant position on the Supervisory Board to the annual general meeting. The Supervisory Board will subsequently appoint a new Chairperson from its members. "I consciously made today's decision with sufficient lead time before the Annual General Meeting in May 2018, in order to ensure an orderly transition and to give the Supervisory Board the opportunity to search for an excellent successor calmly. From now on, we will work together on this,” concluded Purkert.

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