Trend Lobster Roll? Streetfood-style lobster

14-Sep-2018 - Germany

lobster is considered an expensive delicacy by us - and is complicated to eat because of its shell. Fans of crustaceans are now starting an attempt to change this image. At a meeting of the gastronomy scene, Berlin Food Week (17 to 23 September), they drum for hotdog-like rolls with a noble lobster filling. The model is the USA, where "lobster rolls" are particularly popular as fast food on parts of the Atlantic coast. Gourmet blogs and recipe books also offer instructions in this country.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

"Unlike in Europe, lobster is part of the daily menu of regions from Maine to South Carolina due to its abundant occurrence in the northeast of the USA," reports Alexandra Laubrinus, Managing Director of Food Week. "The Lobster Roll is available there as street food on the roadside and is eaten as a snack in between without much hype". The price for the filled rolls in Berlin is not cheap from 15 euros, but compared to lobster food in the restaurant more affordable.

The culinary meeting in the capital is taking place for the 5th time. The trend topic at numerous eating and cooking events there in 2018 will be US cuisine. (dpa)

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