Nespresso to use world’s first responsibly sourced aluminium from Rio Tinto in coffee capsules

20-Nov-2018 - United Kingdom

Nespresso has today signed a partnership with Rio Tinto to use 100% aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI)-certified aluminium for its coffee capsules. Nespresso will become the first company to use responsibly-sourced aluminium.


Nespresso to use world’s first responsibly sourced aluminium from Rio Tinto in coffee capsules

The ASI certification is the first of its kind for any industrial metal. It sets out standards to promote the protection of biodiversity, respect for native peoples’ rights, water management and low-carbon emissions during the production of aluminium.

The ASI's Chain of Custody Standard creates a traceability mechanism to ensure that the aluminium has been manufactured by ASI-certified producers throughout the process.

The use of ASI-certified aluminium is an important milestone towards reducing the impact that the world’s second most used base metal has on the planet.

Nespresso committed to source 100% sustainable aluminium by 2020 and this partnership with Rio Tinto will help achieve this ambition.

Nespresso CEO Jean-Marc Duvoisin said: "Nespresso is proud to have been a driving force in creating and implementing the ASI. Together we have made responsibly sourced aluminium a reality, and the ASI traceability mechanism will enable us to meet our commitment to customers to reduce the impact of their consumption. This is a positive step towards creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future."

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