London transport operators ban advertising for fatteners

26-Nov-2018 - United Kingdom

LONDON (dpa-AFX) - In the fight against child obesity, there will soon be no more advertising for junk food on London's public transport network. The ban will apply to trains, subways and buses from 25 February, Transport of London and Mayor Sadiq Khan announced on Friday. This affects drinks with a high sugar content, Chocolate Bars and hamburgers.


British star chef Jamie Oliver, who is also committed to better school meals, welcomed the campaign. According to the latest statistics, almost 40 percent of ten- to eleven-year-olds in the capital city weigh too many kilos. Khan spoke of a "ticking time bomb". As in many other countries, the number of children with type 2 diabetes is rising in Great Britain. Obesity and lack of exercise increase the risk of developing the disease /si/DP/men (dpa) 

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