Veggie trend stagnating in meat alternatives

21-Jan-2019 - Germany

Cordon bleu from wheat and soya, mortadella from eggs and vegetable oil: Vegetarian alternatives to meat have conquered supermarkets. But they are far from convincing every customer, as a survey conducted by GfK's consumer researchers on behalf of the marketing company Niedersachsen shows. In 2018, sales of meat and sausage alternatives hardly increased at all.

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"GfK retail expert Wolfgang Adlwarth told the German press agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur: "In some cases, consumer expectations may not have been fully met. "Many people who want to eat less meat eat less, but more high-quality meat instead".

According to GfK, Germans spent 150 million euros on "veggie meat" in 2016 after a sharp increase, compared with 139 million euros in the following year and just under 141 million euros in 2018. Sales of "Veggie-Wurst" reached 83.3 million euros last year, after 82.6 million euros in the previous year.

There is stronger growth in vegetable spreads, soy drinks and imitation milk. If they were added, the vegetarian segment would continue to grow, but at a slower rate than in previous years, according to consumer researchers./bf/DP/he (dpa)

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