Guinness manufacturer Diageo remains on the increase

01-Feb-2019 - United Kingdom

The British spirits group Diageo is on the upswing despite the turmoil surrounding the forthcoming Brexit. In the first half of the financial year to the end of December, sales rose by almost six percent to 6.9 billion British pounds (7.9 billion euros), as the manufacturer of Smirnoff ice cream, Baileys liqueur and Irish Guinness beer announced on Thursday in London.


Operating profit rose eleven per cent to £2.4 billion. Net profit, on the other hand, fell by four per cent to 1.98 billion pounds, as Diageo was once again asked to pay tax by the tax office after a tax credit one year earlier.

Sales had risen in all regions of the world, company boss Ivan Menezes said. Demand rose particularly strongly in the Asia-Pacific region, where it rose by seven percent. In North America, as well as in Europe and Turkey, the volume increase amounted to two percent. (dpa) 

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