BIOFACH/VIVANESS 2021 eSPECIAL:Digital sector gathering of organic food community inspires and impresses

More than 400,000 chat messages and over 10,000 video meetings during three-day event

24-Feb-2021 - Germany

The organic food and natural and organic personal care products community came together for their annual sector gathering on 17-19 February 2021. This year’s event was entirely digital. With 775 sessions during the three-day event, divided between Congress, exhibitor presentations and round tables involving 1,442 exhibitors from around the world, the BIOFACH/VIVANESS eSPECIAL provided a wealth of highlights for a total of 13,800 registered participants from 136 countries. More than 400,000 chat messages were sent and over 10,000 video meetingsheld as the participants interactedat a highly professional level.This year’s Biofach and VIVANESS Congress proved very popular.The session “The German Organic Market: Facts, Figures, Analysis 2021”, for example, achieved record participant numbers with more than 700 attendees.The next meeting of the international organic food and natural and organic personal care products sector will move to a Tuesday-Friday slot, and will take place on 15-18 February 2022.


“The BIOFACH/VIVANESS 2021 eSPECIAL confirms the strong needs on the part of the international sectorto interact, network, and have a place to meet, as offered by BIOFACH/VIVANESS,” comments Petra Wolf, Member of The Management Board, NürnbergMesse. “The trade fair pairing is a place to meet and interact at both an emotional and a personal level, as well as a platform for business and knowledge. We’re pleased that this year’s digital format offered a pandemic-compatible alternative, and especially that all the stakeholders accepted it so well! At the same time, we’re already fired up about next year. This year we said, ‘Let’s e-meet before we re-meet,’and now we’re particularly keen to be able to meet up again in person.”

Especially broad range for BIOFACH and VIVANESS congress

Several hundred participants showed an interest in the respectivecongress programme sessions of the BIOFACH/VIVANESS eSPECIAL this year, and interacted at a high professional level. With about 550 participants, “Safe sustainability for packaging: Current requirements, trends and challenges for the future” represented one of the top themes, just like “Natural and Organic Cosmetics Industry Monitor 2020: Data, Facts and Forecasts” and “Beauty Briefing –Global Beauty Trends and Inspirations” in the VIVANESS congress.Both these latter events recorded more than 350 participants,and more than 200 registered for the STADTLANDBIO Digital congress, held in parallel with the BIOFACH/VIVANESS eSPECIAL.

Trends and new products prove a winner

In addition to the professionally polished congress programme, highlights this year again included new products and trends.Trade fair trends at BIOFACH in 2021 were “plant-based products”, “low-sugar and sugar-free products”, “food with additional benefits”, “sustainability and social responsibility”, and at VIVANESS “waterless beauty, me time & comfort, safe beauty and circular beauty”. Once again, participants selected their favourites from among the more than 500 submitted new products to receive the Best New Product Award. The two digital trend tours proved highly popular, with over 540 and more than 280 inspired listeners, respectively.

Note:The BIOFACH/VIVANESS eSPECIAL is still available! After 24 February 2021, only the active communication functions will be disabled.The platform will remain in place for a further six months as a source of information, with all the videos from the livestreams accessible on demand

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