The world's first pizza with a sustainability score

A Veganz customer favourite is about to hit Australia

08-Mar-2021 - Germany

Veganz, a full-range supplier of vegan foods and the market leader in branded vegan pizzas, is expanding to Australia. From today, the Veganz Pizza Verdura will be sold in 180 Woolworths stores. Initially, the veggie bestseller is available in New South Wales and Victoria. The purely plant-based environmentalists have already established themselves as the most popular vegan frozen pizza brand in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Now their tasty delights are set to revolutionise the Australian market!

Veganz Group AG

Veganz Pizza Verdura with sustainability score

The demand for vegan products is increasing.

Studies have found that around 2% of the Australian population followed a vegan diet in 2019 and around 12% were vegetarian. A Google Trends analysis by the Australian food blog Chef's Pencil has also shown that Australia is the world's second most popular country for vegans after the UK. Almost 9% of new products in Australia are vegan and do not contain any animal-derived ingredients.

One of the main reasons for a vegan or vegetarian diet is climate consciousness. Veganz addresses this issue across the board with its hand-topped, environmentally-friendly pizzas.

Laying all the facts on the table – purely plant-based Veganz pizza with a sustainability score

Italian in taste, vegan in recipe and sustainable in terms of agriculture, production, packaging and transport – the Veganz pizzas easily meet all the criteria and combine transparency, conscious consumption and authentic enjoyment.

With the Eaternity label, Veganz is setting a new industry standard for sustainability and transparency. Thanks to the sustainability score, the carbon footprint, water consumption, rainforest deforestation and animal welfare are all visible directly on the product. This shows consumers the actual resource consumption of the Veganz Pizza Verdura.

"For me, this is a huge step forward within our industry, which is very much in need of transparency and more sustainability," says Jan Bredack, CEO and founder of Veganz.

By selling over 1.5 million Verdura pizzas alone, more than 915 tons of CO₂ were saved in 2020.

"It’s great to see how the increasing demand for plant-based products is driving rapid changes in Australia, and we are very excited to partner with Woolworths, who will offer our top-selling vegan veggie pizza Verdura in their frozen pizza range", states Anna Brandt, Veganz Country Manager Australia – Oceania.

In addition to Woolworths, the Veganz pizzas will be available at the Vegan Grocery Store in Sydney, Melbourne and online. The Vegan Grocery Store is the first Australian retail partner with the full Veganz pizza range and delivers to customers Australia-wide via its online store.

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