New Master of Sustainable and Safe Food Production

23-Apr-2021 - Denmark

DTU and the University of Copenhagen are launching a joint Master of Sustainable and Safe Food production in early 2022. The programme will provide insight into the complex interplay between the need to promote and expand sustainability in the food sector without compromising food safety.


There is a need to rethink how we produce food and use the planet’s resources if we are going to be able to feed the world’s growing population in the future. At the same time, it is crucial that new and more sustainable ways of producing food do not compromise food safety.

To expand the career opportunities for staff working in the intersection between sustainability, safety and innovation, DTU and the University of Copenhagen are launching a two-year, research-based continuing education programme: Master of Sustainable and Safe Food Production, which is suitable for employees in both the public and private food sectors. The programme is taught in English.

Students will work with different aspects related to sustainability and food safety throughout the production chain in ways that enable them to relate the new knowledge to their daily work. It is expected that the programme will attract students from around the world, thus providing students with an opportunity to expand their professional network internationally.

The programme consists of six mandatory courses and a Master project. Courses are taught online with annual “conferences” held in Denmark, providing the students with an opportunity to meet each other and the lecturers in person.

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Topic world Food safety

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