Licenses for beer to go: London strengthens pubs and restaurants

20-Jul-2021 - United Kingdom

With a package of measures, the British government wants to help the battered catering industry recover from the Corona pandemic. Licenses for the operation of outdoor catering on sidewalks are to be extended and made permanent so that more customers can be served outdoors. In addition, pubs and bars in England and Wales are to be allowed to serve takeaway beer for a further twelve months to boost sales. The restaurant industry lost nearly 10,000 pubs and more than £87 billion (102 billion euros) in sales during the pandemic, according to the trade association.

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The chronic labor shortage is also to be addressed, for example by directing jobseekers to vacancies in the industry and raising the profile of careers in hospitality. In-house training courses will strengthen skills and bring companies together with universities to encourage innovation and reduce waste and plastic consumption.

"We want young people to see the hospitality industry as an opportunity for a long-term career, so we will explore new opportunities for vocational training and help to further promote creativity and environmental friendliness in the industry," announced Secretary of State Paul Scully./bvi/DP/zb (dpa)

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