Mintel publishes global consumer trends for 2022

Control - Fun - Ethics

12-Jan-2022 - Germany

Mintel knows what consumers want - and why. In its Trend Report, Mintel predicts which three consumer trends will permanently upend global consumer markets. This year's trends range from technologies that predict the success of potential relationships to companies addressing "COVID-19 survivor guilt" and eco-anxiety:

Photo by <a href="">Ryoji Iwata</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

● In Control: In uncertain times, consumers crave a sense of control. Companies can provide consumers with the information and options they need to feel like they are in control.

● Fun everywhere: now that consumers have survived the lockdown, they
want to break out of their confines and have new experiences, both virtually and in the "real," physical world.

● Ethics Check: While many companies have spoken out on ethically controversial issues, consumers want to see measurable progress toward their goals.

This year, Global Consumer Trends' analysis, insights, and recommended actions are focused on projected consumer behavior trends, market shifts, innovative companies, and opportunities that companies should respond to over the next 12 months.

In this report, Simon Moriarty, Director of Mintel Trends, EMEA, goes into more detail about how this trend report came about and how it will impact markets, businesses and consumers in 2022 and beyond:

"We know what consumers want - and why. That's exactly why we can predict the future evolution of consumer behavior and what it will mean for businesses. In 2019, we took a bold new approach and made it our goal to predict the future of global consumer markets over a 10-year time span. We developed the Global Consumer Trends 2030 - or the Seven Mintel Trend Drivers - as a living, growing forecasting model that can adapt to unforeseen developments. With the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic impacting nearly every industry worldwide, our consumer expertise and forecasting model positioned us well to analyze how the pandemic would affect markets. And our 2030 forecasts not only came true, the pandemic actually accelerated many of the changes we predicted."

"Looking ahead to 2022, our trend analysis and predictions are based on observations of the seven trend drivers over the past 18 months, and are complemented by Mintel's powerful consumer and market data, predictive analytics, actionable insights and expert recommendations. We put it all in context to better understand what certain trends mean for our clients' business decisions - and how they might inspire them - across industries, categories and demographics, and amid global issues and times of uncertainty."

In control

"The sense of uncertainty and financial insecurity created or exacerbated by the pandemic is causing consumers to crave a sense of control in all areas of their lives. However, misinformation is making it increasingly difficult for consumers to do the research necessary to make an informed decision. That's why consumers need clarity, transparency, flexibility and options to make choices that meet their individual, changing needs and circumstances."

Companies will have to work even harder to provide consumers with reliable information, striking a balance between censorship and authenticity. The race for fastest delivery will evolve to focus on more flexibility. This gives consumers control over when their products arrive so that delivery fits neatly into their schedule or meets their other specific needs. Consumers' desire to know the possible outcome of events will manifest itself in the development of predictive technologies that can predict adverse events. From illnesses to probable death dates to the outcome of a relationship based on compatibility profiles, technology will evolve to allow consumers to plan with peace of mind.

Fun everywhere

"Consumers are looking for things that are fun and enjoyable for them. The ongoing pandemic and other local and global crises are scaring them and causing stress. In the aftermath of the pandemic, many of them feel guilty in some way for surviving. Companies recognize the importance of encouraging consumers and giving them permission to feel happiness again."

While the stress caused by the pandemic is no longer primarily responsible for consumers' need for fun and distraction, consumers will still continue to seek fun and play in all aspects of their lives. Brand interactions such as campaigns, apps and transactions will increasingly incorporate playful elements in response to consumer interest. At the same time, however, we will also see a rejection of gamification and the instant gratification it provides. Consumers will opt for a more mindful approach to finding pleasure and enjoyment."

Ethics Check

"Consumers increasingly expect and demand that companies demonstrate a certain level of ethics. They no longer just want companies to 'be ethical' but demand measurable, transparent and consistent actions from the companies that support them." Consumers will not only look at companies' successes and strengths. That's why companies must also be transparent about their weaknesses. They should communicate openly and honestly in which areas and why they are failing, and how they plan to address those issues in the future."

All the transparency in the world doesn't necessarily help consumers understand a company's impact. That's why it's so important to use measurable metrics that accurately reflect what problems the company is trying to solve. If a company doesn't properly measure what it's trying to fix or change, it's difficult to determine if progress is being made, let alone communicate that progress in a way that consumers understand," Moriarty concludes.

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