Flexitarians drive market growth of plant-based products

Global consumer study shows: transparency, sustainability and food trends influence consumer behavior of this target group

14-Apr-2022 - Germany

According to a new study[1], consumers with a flexitarian eating style are the driving force behind market growth in plant-based products. Topics such as sustainability, health and the desire to experiment are particularly important to this target group. They also want transparency regarding the origin and quality standards of food and beverages. The global study was conducted by the market research company Insites Consulting on behalf of BENEO. Almost 12,000 people in ten countries took part.

Photo by LikeMeat on Unsplash

The "plant-based" trend has left its niche existence and arrived in the mainstream. Worldwide, one in four people describe themselves as flexitarians, and in Germany this figure is as high as one in three. By comparison, this figure is almost six times higher than the number of people in Germany who follow a vegan, vegetarian or pescetarian diet (35 percent versus 6 percent). This makes flexitarians the most important target group for manufacturers of purely plant-based foods. Almost half of flexitarians worldwide already buy alternatives to meat (45 percent) and milk (49 percent). Around a third (32 percent) reach for plant-based confectionery such as vegan chocolate. Another third are interested in meat and milk alternatives, but have not yet been convinced. That is why it is so important for product development and successful marketing to understand the attitudes and expectations of this consumer group.

Compared to other consumers, flexitarians are particularly interested in issues such as sustainability and transparency. 84 percent are concerned about climate change and the environment, and 86 percent want to understand how their food is produced and what is in it. Another 60 percent pay attention to quality and origin labels when buying (compared to 41 percent in the general population). It is therefore crucial for manufacturers to focus on this information in their claims, making it easier to make purchasing decisions.

Flexitarians are also particularly experimental and health-conscious. The majority are looking for ways/trying to make their daily diet healthier. Seven out of ten respondents pay attention to information on packaging and nutritional claims (compared to five out of ten in the general population). Around half of flexitarians also want to keep up with the latest food trends. This opens up opportunities for bold product concepts within different regional cuisines and in numerous applications. For flexitarians, the same applies: Only if the taste and texture are convincing will they eat a second time.

Four out of five flexitarians (83 percent) think that meat substitutes - just like the original - should be tender and easy to chew. For 63 percent, it is important that plant-based milk alternatives taste as neutral as possible and not like grain. And when it comes to vegan sweets and baked goods, almost half want tastier options.

BENEO offers numerous ingredients and the corresponding know-how for the production of plant-based products that are convincing in sensory terms. These include BeneoPro W-Tex, a textured wheat protein with a neutral taste and a firm structure that resembles minced meat after hydrogenation. As an appetizing and cost-effective source of protein, the ingredient can be used straightforwardly in many plant-based products - for example, in burger patties, sausages, imitation chicken meat such as nuggets and fillets, and ready meals. BENEO's rice ingredients, on the other hand, provide creamy, smooth textures, high stability and unadulterated taste in milk alternatives. They are also ideally suited for use in vegan confectionery.

Myriam Snaet, Head of Market Intelligence and Consumer Insights at BENEO, comments, "Flexitarians are the driving force in the plant-based products segment - and they are a demanding target group. They seek to incorporate novel and unusual taste experiences into their daily diet in an uncomplicated way. At the same time, they are uncompromising when it comes to enjoyment. To convince consumers in the long term, products are needed that are convincing in terms of taste and texture. With ingredients like those from BENEO, it is possible for 'plant-based' and 'indulgence' to go hand in hand in a variety of applications."

[1] BENEO Global Plant-Based Survey 2021: Insites Consulting conducted a quantitative online survey in July 2021 in Spain, France, Germany, Poland, the UK, the USA, Brazil, Australia, China and Russia: minimum 1000 consumers*/country = 11,990 total consumers*; sample of flexitarians = 2905.

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