Why coffee is so healthy - but not after 4 p.m.
Foto von Anastasia Nelen auf Unsplash
Antioxidants protect against environmental influences
Scientists are now certain that people who drink coffee every day for decades have a lower risk of a whole range of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, depression and dementia. Even the widespread image of coffee as a cardiovascular killer has long been "cold coffee." Overall, three to four cups are considered safe for healthy people in any case.
Professor Chahan Yeretzian, head of the Coffee Excellence Center at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, attributes the health-promoting effect primarily to two substances: caffeine and antioxidants. These are chemical compounds that protect against harmful environmental influences, such as so-called free radicals. These aggressive oxygen molecules attack our cells and thus increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, for example.
People who drink coffee late have less deep sleep
Whether dissolved, filtered or pressed: The best-known effect of coffee is as a wakefulness stimulant. However, sleep researchers advise not to drink coffee after 4 pm. An espresso in the evening disturbs your rest even when you think you're slumbering like a log. That's because people who drink coffee late in the day have less deep sleep. You should therefore avoid coffee at least six hours before going to bed. Otherwise, you won't be as well-rested in the morning - and you'll need the next cup of coffee to get going.
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