Genomics: the cradle and path of wine
Karlheinz Knoch, KIT
Most detailed model of grapevine evolution and domestication to date.
This idea gave rise to a network of researchers from 16 countries, who contributed not only numerous wild grapevines and old cultivars from their region, but also knowledge of their origin and history. Under sometimes, in view of the world political situation, most difficult circumstances, the DNA of more than 3,500 vines, including more than 1,000 wild forms, could be sent to the State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-Resources at Yunnan Agricultural University, where the genomes were deciphered under the leadership of Dr. Wei Chen and assembled into the most detailed model of the evolution and domestication of grapevine to date. This comprehensive picture is yielding many new insights. The origins of grapevine cultivation can now be dated to over 11,000 years before Christ, in the South Caucasus. The new technology spread very quickly westward across the Mediterranean, and crosses with local wild grapevines quickly created a great diversity of grape varieties, which could also be maintained through the practice of propagation via cuttings. Table grapevines developed from particularly large-berried varieties in the Middle East about 7,000 years ago. Domestication coincided with climatic changes, especially the end of the Ice Age, but also the warm and humid Atlantic, a climatic period between 8 000 and 4 000 BC. The resulting human migrations directly left traces in the genome of grapevines - for example, genes originating from grapevines in Azerbaijan and Central Asia are found in medieval grapevines in southwestern Germany.
KIT Wild Grapevine Collection Contributes to the Elucidation of Grapevine Evolution
KIT not only contributed the original idea for this genome project, but also its globally unique collection of European wild grapevine, as well as very old medieval varieties that had been considered extinct until a few years ago. "The search for the different vines was highly exciting," says Nick. "For example, many vines came from the excellent collection at Magarach in the Crimea. The Ukrainian researchers had fled after the Russian annexation in 2014 and were now scattered, along with vines, all over the world." The Karlsruhe biologist tracked them down on Russian-language social networks and put them in touch with the Chinese research team. The genome project not only clarifies the grapevine's past, but also points to the future, Nick says: "We've not only captured the entire biodiversity of this species, but also have all the genetic information available to use in a targeted way." Currently, genes for climate resilience from wild grapevines are being crossed into cultivated grapevines in the Interreg Upper Rhine project KliWiReSSe to arm viticulture in the region against the consequences of climate change. (rli)
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