Legumes with a difference
Münster University of Applied Sciences offers workshop series on sustainable protein sources for innovation space "NewFoodSystems
FH Münster/Dzemila Muratovic
FH Münster/Dzemila Muratovic
FH Münster/Dzemila Muratovic
The workshop was organized by the innovation space "NewFoodSystems", which is coordinated by the Max Rubner Institute in cooperation with the University of Bonn. The NewFoodSystems network is working on new approaches for the nutrition of the future. It brings together actors from nutrition research and the food industry to jointly develop innovations. As one of four innovation spaces in the "Bioeconomy Innovation Spaces" program, NewFoodSystems is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
In his introduction to the workshop, Prof. Dr. Guido Ritter of the UAS Department of Oecotrophology - Facility Management explained the scientific background to pulses as a significant source of vegetable protein. "They are simply part of a healthy diet." Among other things, Ritter spoke of the Planetary Health Diet, a nutritional strategy that international scientists* have developed. It takes into account human and planetary health alike - as the world's population grows. For pulses, the Planetary Health Diet envisages a doubling of consumption.
But how can this be translated into practice? Besides the familiar dishes like lentil soup, how else can pulses be used as a whole ingredient for flavor? How do pulses change when they have been processed into flour, concentrate, isolate or extrudate? Depending on the processing, protein content and properties vary, and these affect gelation, water binding or foaming during preparation, for example. In addition, vegetable proteins are absorbed differently by the body than animal proteins. All these were topics of the workshop.
Food technologist Albrecht Fleischer and students of oecotrophology accompanied the participants in their experiments. "This novel workshop format offers the opportunity to bring research results directly into application and to learn more about the challenges of dealing with sustainable food in practice," explains Ritter. This, he says, provides a unique platform for professional exchange across different industries for all participants.
Another workshop in the "Zukunft is(s)t jetzt" series is expected to take place at the university in November.
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