Start-up Crafting Future launches innovation: The sealable reusable tray

Product presentation at Anuga 2023

Crafting Future GmbH, Björn Bleckat

Sealable reusable tray filled with food

Crafting Future, provider of sustainable packaging solutions, launches a breakthrough innovation with its sealable reusable tray. This product combines convenience and sustainability, finally making resource savings possible for pre-packaged food and ready meals.

Lena Lübbe, project manager at Crafting Future, emphasizes the importance of this innovation: "In the food sector, reusable products have so far been used almost exclusively for to-go applications or shelf-stable foods. With our sealable reusable tray, we make it possible to package fresh food such as salads hygienically in reusable under an inert gas atmosphere, which gives them a longer shelf life. Hot meals and ready meals can also be filled in this way, stored frozen and conveniently heated in the reusable tray as needed."

The fields of application are diverse. For example, the reusable trays can be used at vending machines, in food retailing or in hospital catering.

What makes the product particularly unique is that its direct application (e.g., purchase, delivery, heating) is no different from previous disposable packaging, whereas the advantages are obvious: The sealable reusable trays allow companies to significantly reduce packaging waste, in addition to saving a considerable amount of money compared to disposable packaging. For this reason, this innovation is a significant step towards a more sustainable future for the food packaging industry.

Product launch at Anuga 2023 in Cologne, Germany.

During their visit to Anuga, the world's largest trade fair for the food and nutrition industry, Crafting Future will present their sealable reusable tray live for the first time. The startup invites catering businesses and interested parties to hold their new product innovation in their hands for the first time from 07-11.10.23 at their booth C073 in Hall 07.1, alongside their existing portfolio and future prototypes. Visitors will also have the opportunity to learn more about the recyclability of the products as well as the innovative manufacturing process of the regular returnable trays.

Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of current news. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.

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