IT security remains an ongoing challenge in beverage wholesaling too

New security law aims to minimize risks

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The threats to beverage wholesalers are manifold. A hacker attack can quickly paralyze a company in the sector, as orders often enter the system via email or EDI. The new IT Security Act is intended to minimize these threats by obliging companies to take appropriate protective measures. "The headlines about cyber attacks show us almost daily just how important it is to protect our own data. Hacked company IT, spied passwords and fraud in online retail: more than one in three companies in Germany has been the victim of a hacker attack. This threat situation must be countered," says Dirk Reinsberg, Managing Director of BV GFGH.

The new IT Security Act, which comes into force in October, requires swift action, as beverage wholesalers are part of the critical infrastructure or supply it. "The threat situation is constantly changing. Security measures must be continuously reviewed and adapted," explains Matthias Helm from the Business IT team. A continuous approach to the topic ensures that security gaps are constantly identified and closed.

Don't wait until it's too late to act

The IT security situation in beverage wholesaling varies greatly - many companies are aware of the threat, but implementation varies greatly. Day-to-day business in the sector and tangible problems such as urgent operational issues often take priority. As a result, many companies only react once the damage has already been done - and that is often too late.

One thing is clear: IT security in beverage wholesaling requires a long-term and continuous approach. Regular training and checks are necessary in order to maintain security and arm yourself against the ever-growing threats.

Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of current news. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.

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