Milk analysers
- precise & reliable determination of fat, protein, lactose, dry matter, etc. in raw milk, cream, whey & more
- intuitive operation
- excellent measuring accuracy

NIR laboratory instrument DA 7250
- Simultaneous determination of all ingredients, e.g. fat, protein, water, etc. of various raw materials or end products in less than one minute. raw materials or end products in less than 6 sec.
- high measuring speed
- easy handling
- low sample preparation
- smart connection to existing EDP/LIMS systems

NIR process instruments DA 7350 & DA 7440
- continuous Measurement of all ingredients along the entire production chain in real time
- Automated process control (e.g. at dryer, doser, etc.) & optimisation
- Smart, digital multi-instance solutions in production
- Interfaces to all existing automation levels

Analysis of raw materials & ingredients - RVA 4800
- Fast analysis of functional properties (e.g. degree of starch modification) of raw materials and food ingredients
- Monitoring of consistency properties
- Simulate manufacturing processes in the lab & in production


Type: NIR spectrometers
Application field: N/A

Request information about DA 7350 / DA 7440 now

DA 7250

NIR spectrometers: DA 7350 / DA 7440

NIR Food Analysis

PerkinElmer LAS (Germany) GmbH
All about PerkinElmer

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Topic World Food Analytics

Food analysis methods enable us to investigate the quality, safety and composition of our food. Whether in the traceability of food, the detection of contaminants or the verification of nutritional information - food analytics plays a crucial role in our health and nutrition. Welcome to the exciting world of food analytics!

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Topic World Food Analytics

Topic World Food Analytics

Food analysis methods enable us to investigate the quality, safety and composition of our food. Whether in the traceability of food, the detection of contaminants or the verification of nutritional information - food analytics plays a crucial role in our health and nutrition. Welcome to the exciting world of food analytics!

20+ products
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