Fast and accurate moisture content testing of meat alternatives

Mettler-Toledo GmbH

Moisture Analysis for optimizing processing and quality control in plant-based meat products

Consumers are expecting a meat-like experience when eating plant-based meat analogues. A similar texture is a crucial factor in mimicking conventional meat which can be achieved by using e.g. extrusion technology. The texture and juiciness of meat alternative strongly depend on the moisture content of the product. In addition, it is also an important parameter regarding the shelf life of plant-based meat products. Therefore, moisture content is an important quality parameter.

This application note describes how Mettler-Toledo halogen moisture analyzers help to maintain consistent quality in plant-based meat products by providing fast and accurate moisture results in accordance with official food industry standards. You will learn why moisture content (%MC) is important for meat analogues and in the production of plant based meat substitutes and how to use the halogen moisture analyzer for fast and easy moisture content determination.

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Fast and accurate moisture content testing of meat alternatives

Moisture Analysis for optimizing processing and quality control in plant-based meat products

Mettler-Toledo GmbH
All about Mettler-Toledo

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